Why is it important to vote no on Props 2-6? 

New York City’s democracy is at stake. Props 2-6 (proposals that will be on the November ballot) are a dangerous power grab by Mayor Adams to weaken our democracy. Props 2-6 will change NYC’s constitution to give more power to mayors, weaken checks-and-balances, and take power away from everyday New Yorkers. New Yorkers from every background and borough must unite to protect democracy and defeat the mayor’s power grab. Don't forget to flip your ballot and vote "No" on props 2-6.

How will the charter changes show up on my ballot? 

The anti-democratic charter changes will be Proposals 2 - 6 on NYC ballots. Their titles will seem innocent - but as a group, they will erode checks-and-balances, give mayors new ways to interfere with legislation they don’t like, make it even harder to pass legislation that helps New Yorkers, and make it harder to hold police accountable. 

Don’t forget to flip your ballot and Vote No on Props 2-6!

How can I get involved? 

 We need everyone to help get the word out, to vote NO on Props 2-6! Tell your friends, family and neighbors to vote NO on Props 2-6. Follow us on social media (@nopowergrabnyc) and share our posts -- and create your own! If you’re part of an organization that wants to endorse, fill this form out and someone from the No Power Grab NYC campaign will be in touch!

How can I donate to No Power Grab NYC?

Thank you so much for donating!

  • You can donate via ActBlue 
  • You can donate by sending a check payable to: New Yorkers Defending Democracy. If donating by check, please mail it to:
    New Yorkers Defending Democracy
    300 Douglass Street
    Brooklyn, NY 11217
Where can I get more information about Props 2 - 6?

Read our backgrounder on Props 2-6 - coming soon!

Why is Ballot Proposal 2 harmful to NYC communities?

“Cleaning Public Property is worded to seem innocent but it's misleading and doesn't mention that it will give the Sanitation Department expanded enforcement powers to police and fine more New Yorkers. The proposal is a cruel and inhumane attack on our city’s street vendors and other New Yorkers who should be supported, not criminalized. It will increase policing and fines against New Yorkers - duplicating the role that the Police Department and others already play. Vote "No" on Props 2-6.

How does Ballot Proposal 3 hurt New Yorkers?

Proposal 3 will be described on your ballot as “additional estimates of the cost of proposed laws & updates to budget deadlines”. This sounds wonky and innocent - but that's intentionally misleading. Prop 3 would drastically change the city’s constitution and weaken our democracy. It would give the mayor more unchecked power and weaken checks-and-balances - while letting the mayor block and further slow down the ability of the city to deliver for New Yorkers. It takes power away from everyday voters, creates more bureaucracy and new ways for mayors to interfere with legislation they don’t like, even when it helps people. Prop 3 lets mayors hide behind bureaucracy when they want to block popular initiatives like housing and childcare assistance. Prop 3 is dangerous for democracy and should never have been put on the ballot after such a rushed charter review process. Vote “No” on Props 2-6.

How does Proposal 4 make it harder to hold police accountable and hurt New Yorkers?

Proposal 4 would fundamentally change the way that laws regulating the Police Department, Fire Department, and Department of Correction - and ONLY these agencies - are passed by the New York City Council. It creates special rights for the NYPD in the legislative process that will help abusive officers avoid accountability and transparency at a time when there are serious concerns about possible corruption and influence-peddling by top officials and others in the NYPD. Prop 4 could make it virtually impossible to pass ANY meaningful police transparency or accountability legislation at the city level. This makes all of us less safe. Vote “No” on Props 2-6.

Why is Ballot Proposal 5 a meaningless attempt at improving the city’s capital planning process?

This proposal is misleading and was created in bad-faith. The mayor’s charter commission claimed that Proposal 5 was based on a recommendation from the city’s Comptroller (the city’s top financial executive) – but the Comptroller issued a statement saying this was false and that it was a “transparently false attempt to lend credibility to a meaningless measure”. The proposal covers less than 1% of the city’s infrastructure. The Comptroller has said that Prop 5 “is meaningless, does not advance transparency, and fails to improve the City’s capital planning process in any way.” Vote “No” on Props 2-6.

How is Ballot Proposal 6 an empty reform with no real substance?

Proposal 6 is a collection of 3 totally unrelated issues and should not be on the ballot. While it claims to support Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprises (MWBEs), the reality is that it simply renames and largely restates the role of a mayoral office. This gives the illusion of change without additional concrete support for MWBEs. The other 2 unrelated things that Prop 2 does are combine two archive boards and grant additional powers to a mayoral office for issuing film permits. This proposal is part of a package of proposals that were rubber-stamped in Mayor Adams’ politically-motivated, rushed charter revision process – and the full package should be rejected. Vote “No” on Props 2-6.

Why is it important to vote no on Props 2-6? 

Proposals 2-6 are a dangerous power grab by Mayor Adams. If passed, they will erode our city’s system of checks-and-balances, give the mayor even more legislative & fiscal power, make it much harder to pass legislation that benefits New Yorkers (e.g. housing vouchers), and decrease the already limited ways to hold police and corrections accountable.

The proposed charter changes are the result of a rushed, anti-democratic charter revision process - it was a sham! All 5 proposals should be opposed. Vote No on Props 2-6.

How will the charter changes show up on my ballot? 

The anti-democratic charter changes will be Proposals 2 - 6 on NYC ballots. Their titles will seem innocent - but as a group, they will erode checks-and-balances, give mayors new ways to interfere with legislation they don’t like, make it even harder to pass legislation that helps New Yorkers, and make it harder to hold police accountable. 

Don’t forget to flip your ballot and Vote No on Props 2-6!

How can I get involved? 

We need everyone to help get the word out, to vote NO on Props 2-6! Tell your friends, family and neighbors to vote NO on Props 2-6. Use our sample social media posts to get the word out on your social platforms. If you’d like to volunteer, please reach out to: contactus@nopowergrabnyc.org.  If you’re part of an organization that wants to get involved, fill this form out and we’ll be in touch!

How can I donate to No Power Grab NYC?

Thank you so much for donating! 

  • You can donate via ActBlue 
  • You can donate by sending a check payable to: New Yorkers Defending Democracy. If donating by check, please mail it to:

New Yorkers Defending Democracy

300 Douglass Street

Brooklyn, NY 11217

Where can I get more information about Props 2 - 6?

Read our backgrounder on Props 2-6 - coming soon!

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