Coordination Team

The No Power Grab NYC coordination team includes: Make the Road New York, New York Civil Liberties Union, Justice Committee, VOCAL-NY, CPR Action, and New Yorkers Defending Democracy.

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Organizational Endorsers

(List in formation)

Alliance for Quality Education
Arc of Justice
The Audre Lorde Project
The Brotherhood Sister Sol
Campaign Zero
Caribbean Equality Project
The Center for Anti-Violence Education
Center for Constitutional Rights
Center for Law and Social Justice at Medgar Evers College
Common Justice
Communities United for Police Reform
Community Connections for Youth
Community Voices Heard Power
CPR Action
DRUM - Desis Rising Up and Moving
El Puente
Equality for Flatbush (E4F)
Faith in New York
Families For Freedom
Freedom Agenda
G.A.N.G.S. Coalition
The Gathering for Justice
HALT Solitary Campaign
Housing Works
Immigrant Defense Project
Jails Action Coalition
Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ)
Justice Committee
Katal Center for Equity, Health, and Justice
Make the Road New York
Malcolm X Grassroots Movement
MomsRising Together
NAACP Legal Defense Fund
New York City Democratic Socialists of America (NYC-DSA)
New York Civic Engagement Table
New York Civil Liberties Union
New York Communities for Change
New Yorkers Defending Democracy
North Star Fund
NY Working Families Party
Public Science Project
The People’s Plan NYC
Partners for Dignity & Rights
Street Vendor Project at the Urban Justice Center
Surveillance Resistance Lab
Surveillance Technology Oversight Project (STOP)
TakeRoot Justice
Transgender Law Center
VOCAL-New York
Youth Represent

Elected Officials Endorsing the Vote No on Props 2-6 campaign

Coming soon!
*Title and affiliation for identification purposes only

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